

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Comparison of single-word therapy versus sentence therapy for verb retrieval and sentence production in a single case of Broca's aphasia Toru Takizawa 1 , Natsumi Nishida 1 , Noriko Kurauchi 2 , Akito Ikemoto 3 1Department of Rehabilitation, Kyoto Municipal Rehabilitation Center for the Handi-capped 2Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapy, School of Health Science, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare 3Department of Neurology, Kyoto Municipal Rehabilitation Center for the Handi-capped Keyword: ブローカ失語症患者 , 動詞想起 , 文産生 , 単語訓練 , 文訓練 , verb retrieval , sentence production , Broca's aphasia , single-word therapy , sentence therapy pp.152-162
Published Date 2013/9/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.6001100377
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 We compared the effects of two types of therapy, single-word therapy and sentence therapy, on a Broca's aphasic patient who had difficulty with verb retrieval and sentence production. The single-word therapy used in our study mirrors the techniques used to facilitate noun retrieval. The sentence therapy combined the techniques of argument structure therapy with sentence construction tasks. Both types of therapy significantly improved the patient's verb retrieval in treatment, with the single-word therapy being more effective. It was speculated that the sentence therapy was more demanding for the patient with syntactic defects and this might have suppressed the effect of the therapy. Secondly, the effects of both therapies generalized to sentence production, but the sentence therapy resulted in the increase of more complex sentences with fewer omissions of particles. These results indicate that therapies focused on relating nouns to the target verb are effective for improving sentence production. Lastly, the improvement in the production of verbs featured in this study was thought to be caused by the therapy because insignificant changes were observed in the production of untreated verbs in probe tests.

Copyright © 2013, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1349-5828 日本言語聴覚士協会


