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Two autistic children who couldn't communicate in oral language but showed definite interest in letters were trained using picture cards and kana word cards. First, they were trained to match the picture cards with the corresponding word cards listening to the therapist saying the words. They were able to match the two types of cards, and they came to understand the spoken words used in the training. From this finding, we started an experimental intervention to examine how the printed words might contribute to developing auditory comprehension. The children's ages were 4 years 5 months and 9 years 3 months. 50 picture-only cards and 50 cards with pictures accompanied by words written in the kana letters (picture-word cards) were used. The children did not understand these words when presented auditorily. The therapist introduced 10 words per week, 5 using picture-only cards and 5 using picture-word cards. Auditory comprehension was monitored by having them choose picture-only cards in response to a spoken word. After 10 weeks, auditory comprehension of words introduced using the picture-word cards was significantly better than that of words introduced using the picture-only cards. This suggests that the kana words helped connect the visual stimuli with the auditory stimuli.
Copyright © 2009, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.