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The purpose of this study was to compare the cognitive profiles of children with Asperger's disorder (AS) and of children with high functioning autistic disorder(HFA). The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-Ⅲ, Japanese version) was administered to 9 children with AS and 7 children with HFA. WISC profiles were analyzed within each group. The AS group exhibited higher VIQ (Verbal Intelligence Quotient) and lower PIQ (Performance Intelligence Quotient) in comparison to the HFA group. The Perceptual Organization Index Score was lower than that on other scores for the AS group. The AS group obtained significantly better Verbal Comprehension Index Score than the HFA group. Of all the subtests, the AS group had most difficulty with the Object Assembly subtest. The HFA group underperformed the AS group on some subtests (Similarity, Vocabulary, Information). Overall, the results suggest that it is effective to support children with AS by providing verbal clues, while for children with HFA, it is by providing visual clues. Although the AS group obtained high scores on the verbal subtests, they share similar social skill problems with the HFA children. We need more research to investigate the communicative problems of language in AS and HFA.

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