

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Case of Hepatic Hemangioma Managed by Hand-assisted Laparoscopic Lateral Segmentectomy Tatsuhito YAMAMOTO 1 , Yoshihiro TOKUHISA 1 , Yoshitoshi SATO 1 , Seiichirou ANDOH 1 , Kureo TSUSHIMI 1 1Department of Surgery, Tsushimi Hospital Keyword: 肝血管腫 , hand-assisted laparoscopic lateral segmentectomy pp.565-568
Published Date 2001/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.4426900278
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A 62-year old male presented with epigastric full sensation after meal. Endoscopic examination and barium meal study of the gastrointestinal tract showed impingement of the lesser curvature in the upper body of the stomach. An ultrasonography and computed tomography revealed a hepatic tumor measuring 48mm in size in the lateral segment. The tumor was diagnosed as hepatic hemangioma by celiac angiography. We performed hand-assisted laparoscopic lateral segmentectomy. Mobilization of the lateral segment and ligating vessels of the liver were done under laparoscopy.

Copyright © 2001, JAPAN SOCIETY FOR ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2186-6643 印刷版ISSN 1344-6703 日本内視鏡外科学会


