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◆要旨:鼠径部膀胱ヘルニアに対して,腹腔鏡下ヘルニア修復術(totally extraperitoneal repair:TEP)を施行した5例を経験した.症例はいずれも男性で年齢中央値は68歳であった.全症例において腹部CTで術前診断が可能であった.TEP法にてヘルニアの修復を行い,現在に至るまで再発を認めていない.今回,自験例5例と国内での報告17例を合わせ,鼠径部膀胱ヘルニアの臨床的特徴とTEPの有用性について報告する.
We report five cases of inguinal bladder hernia treated by laparoscopic hernia repair known as totally extraperitoneal repair (TEP). All five cases involved male patients, and the median age was 68 years. Preoperative abdominal computed tomography was useful for the diagnosis of inguinal bladder hernia. All patients underwent TEP without any severe complications. There was no evidence of recurrence after surgery. Herein, we report the clinicopathological features of inguinal bladder hernia and the surgical outcomes of TEP in these 5 cases, with a summary of previous literature.

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