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◆要旨:当センターでは腹腔鏡下大腸切除術(laparoscopic assisted colectomy;以下,LAC)の術後疼痛管理として硬膜外麻酔法から2014年11月にフェンタニルの経静脈持続投与(以下,F法)に変更し,さらに2016年1月からアセトアミノフェンの間歇的静脈投与(以下,A法)を開始した.当センターでLACを施行した192例を対象とし,F法とA法の鎮痛と副作用を後方視的に比較検討した.疼痛時鎮痛剤使用回数はF法では1.4±0.1回,A法は0.7±0.1回であった(p=0.0002).またフェンタニル総使用量はF法では0.9±0.02mg,A法で0.2±0.01mgであった(p<0.0001).術後嘔吐率はF法では17.0%,A法は9.0%であった(p=0.09).A法はLAC術後の鎮痛効果に優れておりフェンタニルによる副作用を軽減できる可能性が示唆された.
For postoperative analgesia of laparoscopic assisted colectomy (LAC) for colorectal cancer (CRC), epidural anesthesia has been used in the past. However, it was changed to continuous intravenous administration of fentanyl (F-method) from November 2014, and then to intermittent administration of acetaminophen (A-method) from January 2016. The aim of this study was to clarify the benefit of A-method after LAC for CRC compared to F-method. The subjects of the present study were 192 patients who had LAC at our institution. We compared analgesia and side effect of F and A methods. Analgesic use was 1.4±0.1 times in F-method and 0.7±0.1 times in A-method (p=0.0002). Total usage of fentanyl was 0.9±0.02mg in F-method and 0.2±0.01mg in A-method (p<0.0001). Postoperative vomiting rate was 17.0% in F-method and 9.0% in A-method (p=0.09). A-method may be superior to F-method in postoperative analgesia and it may also reduce the side effect of fentanyl.

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