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◆要旨:【目的】当科で特発性血小板減少性紫班病(以下,ITP)に対して腹腔鏡下脾臓摘出術(以下,LS)を施行した25例について検討した.【対象】対象は男性7例,女性18例で,平均年齢40歳であった.【結果】術中開腹移行はなく,術後合併症として膵液漏を1例に認めた.治療後の血小板数10万以上をCR,5万以上をPR,5万未満をNRとすると,LSによるCRは 18例,NR は7例であった.またLS後の長期予後をみると,CR症例のうち6例(33%)にITPの再発がみられた.LS後1か月のCR群とNR群を比較すると,CR群は平均年齢が有意に低く(CR 34歳対PR 57歳),γ-グロブリン投与後の血小板数が多かった(CR 11.3万対NR 5.6万).長期寛解率は40歳未満の症例が40歳以上に比べて有意に寛解率が高かった.【考察】ITPに対するLSは若年者では長期寛解が期待できることが示唆された.
We evaluated surgical outcomes in 25 consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) in our institute retrospectively. The patients were 7 males and 18 females, and their mean age was 40.2 years old. There was no intraoperative conversion to laparotomy, but one patient was complicated with a leakage of pancreatic juice postoperatively. Eighteen patients (72%) revealed complete remission (platelet counts > 10×104/μl) of ITP in short term results, however 3 of them revealed relapse of ITP within 3 years after LS. Overall remission rate (platelet counts > 3×104/μl) was 56%. The long term remmision rate of ITP was significantly higher in younger patients (< 40 years old) than elder patients (p=0.007). These data suggested that higher rates of complete remission after LS for ITP can be expected in younger patients in long term results.

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