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◆要旨:当科では2005年から,退院を5病日に設定した腹腔鏡下大腸癌手術(以下,LAC)のクリニカルパス(以下,新CP)を使用している.今回,この新CPの妥当性,有用性を検証した.2004年以前の9病日退院のCP(以下,旧CP)を比較対照とした.新CPを適応した117例中99例(84.6%)は5病日までに退院基準を満たし,32例(27.4%)が実際に5病日までに退院した.負のバリアンスは80歳以上の高齢者と直腸癌症例に多く発生した.新CPは旧CPと比較して,合併症の発生率に差はなく(16/117=13.7%vs 6/31=19.4%, P=0.429),術後在院日数は短縮し(7.7日vs 11.5日, P<0.001),入院医療費の1日単価は高かった(9,178点vs 6,373点, P<0.001).現行のCPは妥当かつ有用であるが,今後はアンケート調査などに基づき,患者側に立ったCPの個別化が必要である.
This study is aimed to assess the validity and the usefulness of our original clinical pathway(CP)for laparoscopy-assisted colectomy(LAC). We set up the discharge day on the 5 th post operative day(POD)since 2005(new CP, n=117). Discharge day was set on the 9 th POD prior to 2005(old CP, n=31)and this was used as a comparison control. Ninety nine LAC patients(99/117=84.6%)attained the discharge standard of 5 th POD, and 32 patients(27.4%)were actually discharged by 5 th POD. The incidence of variance was high in patients of 80 years or older and for those with rectal cancer. Short-term results were compared between patients who underwent new CP and those for old CP. There was no difference in the incidence of complications between the two groups(16/117=13.7%vs 6/31=19.4%, P=0.429). The average postoperative hospital stay for patients in new CP(7.7 days)was significantly shorter than those in old CP(11.5 days)(P<0001). The hospitalization health care cost per day was significantly higher in new CP(9178 points)than in old CP(6373 points)(P<0.001). In conclusion, new CP is appropriate and useful. In the future, individualization of the CP would be necessary to achieve patients'satisfaction.

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