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Hiatal hernia of the broad ligament of the uterus is rare. We report a patient with diagnosed by preoperative CT scan and who underwent laparoscopic surgery. A 40 year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of sudden right lower abdominal pain. A pelvic CT scan revealed displacement of the uterus toward the left side and existence of a dilated small intestine in Douglas pouch. Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction due to a hiatal hernia of the right broad ligament of the uterus was made and the patient underwent laparoscopic surgery. Operative findings revealed an ileum, approximately 20 cm in length, that incarcerated into a 2 cm-sized fissure of the right broad ligament of the uterus. The ileum was reduced and the orifice was closed. Enterectomy may be avoidable by having this rare disease in mind as a differential diagnosis of ileus, and diagnosing it at an early stage. Moreover, laparoscopic surgery may be performed easily if enterectomy can be avoided.

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