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◆要旨:臍の中,下半分の皮膚を1.2cm縦切開する手術創で単孔式腹腔鏡下胆囊摘出術を行っている.その優れた整容性と,術中の安全性への貢献について報告する.臍下半分の切開創の上縁に5mmカメラポートを置くことで,臍を全切開する単孔式腹腔鏡下手術で発生しやすいair lekageを防ぐことができ,安定した術野が得られる.また,操作用ポートを臍の尾側の左右に配置する,いわゆる逆ミッキーマウススタイルをとることで,鉗子の操作性が保たれ,手術の安全性に貢献すると考える.術後は臍の硬化と変形が,臍を全割した症例と比べて著しく少なく,ほぼ手術前の臍の形,あるいはやや縦長の臍となり,きわめて優れた整容性と患者の満足度が得られた.
The number of single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy(TANKO Lap-C)has increased explosively in the past few years. The cosmetic results are various, as the length or the shape of the umbilical incision differs among surgeons. We report that the 1.2 cm longitudinal incision from the bottom of the navel to the lower edge shows better cosmetic results. This approach is innovated from our experience of 450 cases of umbilical approach for the laparoscope. This approach not only shows good cosmetic result, but also contributes to prevent air leakage and enables safe movement of the grasper. We placed a 5 mm trocar for the scope at the bottom of the navel, and two 5 mm short trocars for the dissector at the lower laterals in the incision. This incision and trocar placement realized an almost no-scar surgery with this safe treatment.

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