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要旨:2007年7月にボストンで開催された第2回International Conference on NOTESの概要を中心に,NOTES開発の経緯と本邦および世界のNOTES研究の現況について報告する.
SAGES(Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons:米国内視鏡外科学会)とASGE(American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy:米国消化器内視鏡学会)が合同で設立したNOSCAR(Natural Orifice Surgery Consortium for Assessment and Research)を中心に,NOTESに関する研究は着実に進んでいる.Direct drive systemなどの新しい機器の開発や動物モデルを使った腹腔鏡下手術との無作為化比較試験なども行われ,アメリカとフランスからは人に対する初めてのNOTES胆囊摘出術が報告された.
This review provides a summary of the 2nd International Conference on NOTES(Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery)and current activity of NOTES throughout the world. The main topics of the 2nd International Conference on NOTES included a direct drive system for NOTES, a randomized controlled trial comparing NOTES and laparoscopic surgery in the prevention of infection, application of a magnetic and permalloy device to NOTES procedures, and training techniques. Research on NOTES has steadily progressed, and the first transvaginal NOTES cholecystectomy performed on a human took place in America and France this year. Although several problems exist in regard to the clinical application of NOTES, basic research on and development of NOTES will lead to better therapeutic technologies. NOTES may represent the next major innovation in minimally invasive surgery.

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