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昨今のビッグデータブーム以前から,医学と統計学には深い関係がある。ヒトを対象とした研究をいかに倫理的かつ科学的に実施するか,いかに個体内/個体間差などの不確実性の存在を前提として科学的に推論するか,という問題への対処として,統計学/生物統計学はevidence based medicine(EBM)を実践するうえでの重要な一部である。本稿では,医学研究者が臨床試験を実施するうえで統計家と十分なコミュニケーションをとるために知っておくべきこととして,臨床試験を特徴づける要素,2つの誤差,仮説検定におけるp値および臨床試験におけるestimandを解説する。
Even before the big data boom, medicine and statistics had a close relationship. Statistics/biostatistics is important in the practice of EBM (Evidence Based Medicine). In particular, the involvement of statistics/biostatistics is essential to making scientific inferences about clinical research under ethical and other constraints, assuming the existence of uncertainties such as individual differences. A prerequisite for successful clinical trials is attention to trial design and planning that fully accounts for endpoints, randomization, confounding factors, and bias. This requires the cooperation and participation of experienced biostatisticians from the planning stage. Therefore, some topics related to basic statistical knowledge that medical researchers should know for effectively communicating and discussing with statisticians have been introduced: the elements that characterize clinical trials, the two types of error, the p-value in hypothesis testing and estimations in clinical trials.

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