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体外式膜型人工肺(ECMO)などの高度先進医療における症例数と治療予後の相関関係に関する科学的論拠が構築されつつあるなか,症例の集積化や施設の集約化が議論されるようになった。また,東日本大震災や熊本地震などの大規模災害において,病院避難というかつて想像もし得なかった深刻な事態を迎えるにあたり,災害拠点病院における事業継続計画(BCP)の策定が義務づけられるようになった。いずれの事態においても,重症患者の搬送体制の構築が「必要性」として求められている。他方,適切かつ安全に重症患者を搬送し得るという「許容性」をも満たしていかなければならない。これを満たすのがmobile ICUである。先駆者たる米軍の戦傷医療の歴史と現在の活動の実態を考えるとともに,本邦での防衛省航空自衛隊 航空機動衛生隊について披瀝することで,mobile ICUのあるべき姿を考察する。
While scientific evidence is being established to correlate the number of patients treated with prognosis using advanced therapeutic modalities such as ECMO, the accumulation of cases and consolidation of facilities have been discussed. As a result, the transport of critically ill patients to referral hospitals has become indispensable. After experience with hospital evacuations in large-scale disasters such as the Great East-Japan Earthquake and the Kumamoto Earthquake, which were more serious than ever imagined, a business continuity plan (BCP) at disaster base hospitals has become mandatory. Construction of a transport system for critically ill patients is required as a “necessity”. This must also satisfy the need for critically ill patients to be transported properly and safely as “tolerance”. The mobile ICU should meet these requirements. Considering the pioneering history of US military medicine and its recent activity, as well as the performance of the JASDF Aeromedical Squadron, we will discuss what the mobile ICU should be.

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