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extended spectrum beta-lactamase(ESBL)産生菌とAmpC産生菌は,ともにグラム陰性桿菌であり,日本の臨床現場では比較的遭遇しやすい薬剤耐性菌である。両者ともにカルバペネム系抗菌薬が信頼できる治療薬として知られているが,国内外でのカルバペネム耐性菌の増加もあり,カルバペネムを使用しないcarbapenem sparing抗菌薬療法が模索されている。
Extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) and AmpC are both beta-lactamases associated with multi-drug resistant Gram negative organisms. They are relatively common in healthcare settings in Japan. Carbapenems are known to be effective against both but development of resistance to carbapenems urged the development of carbapenem sparing strategies. This paper reviews the microbiological and clinical basics of ESBL/AmpC producing organisms, and discusses the conditions where non-carbapenem antimicrobials can be used appropriately.

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