

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Pressure support ventilation(PSV) Tomonori YAMASHITA 1 , Akinori UCHIYAMA 2 1Department of Anesthesiology Osaka Women's and Children's Hospital 2Intensive Care Unit, Osaka University Hospital pp.609-620
Published Date 2018/7/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.3102200540
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Pressure support ventilation(PSV)is a mode of mechanical ventilation which is largely dependent on the patient's spontaneous breathing effort. PSV provides patient comfort and improved synchrony with ventilator breathing patterns including tidal volume, inspiration time, and respiratory rate, which is effective for reducing patient effort by adjusting the level of pressure support. PSV is used for various patients with respiratory failure including those in the early stage of respiratory failure and those at the ventilator liberation stage. Without sufficient knowledge of its characteristics and clinical use, however, PSV may lead to patient-ventilator asynchrony, increased breathing effort, and prolonged mechanical ventilation. We will focus on the fundamental concepts, characteristics, appropriate settings and pitfalls of PSV. We will also discuss the effects of PSV on the work of breathing, patient-ventilator synchrony, transpulmonary pressure, ventilator-induced lung injury, and hemodynamic status, all of which are considered of great importance today as greater expectations are being placed on the use of ventilators.

Copyright © 2018, MEDICAL SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL, LTD. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2186-7852 印刷版ISSN 1883-4833 メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル


