

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A new method for continuous recording of pupil size by means of phototransistor UEKI SHOWA 1 1Department of Pharmacology, Kyūshū University, Faculty of Medicine pp.279-285
Published Date 1961/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.2425906209
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 Pupillary diameter was continuously recorded in experimental animals such as cats, dogs or rabbits. An extremely small phototransistor (germaium P-N-P alloy junction phototransis-tor OS 13, Toshiba Co.) was inserted in the inside of the eye ball from its posterior pole and directed onto the pupil. A constant red light flux was thrown into the eye through the pupil and incoming light flux generated a photo-electric current in the phototransistor. This current was amplified, detected and integrated, and then was used formore photoel-driving a pen-galvanometer. As the pupil dilated, more light was passed through it and ectric current was generated and accordingly pen deflection wao ienteased It was shown that the relationship between pupillary diameter and pen deflection was almost linear. Therefore, this method would be useful in physiological and pharmacological studies on the pupil. Some of the results, in which the pupiliary responses to various stimuli as well as to the autonomic drugs were recorded by this method, were demonstrated.

Copyright © 1961, THE ICHIRO KANEHARA FOUNDATION. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1883-5503 印刷版ISSN 0370-9531 金原一郎記念医学医療振興財団


