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要約 目的:光視標と調節視標の注視が屈折と瞳孔径に及ぼす影響の報告。対象と方法:矯正視力が1.2以上の健常者12例の左眼を対象とした。矯正視力はすべて1.2以上で,年齢は平均22.5±2.5歳であった。屈折値と瞳孔径の測定には両眼開放型オートレフと解析ソフトを用いた。光視標と調節視標はいずれも5mと30cmの距離に置いた。結果:光視標と調節視標に対する屈折値は遠見時と近見時で有意差があった(p<0.05)が,光視標と調節視標の間には有意差がなかった。瞳孔径はどの条件下でも差がなかった。結論:光視標を使って眼位を検査するときには,調節による影響に注意する必要がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report changes in refraction and pupil size during fixating on light and figure as targets. Cases and Method:This study was made on 12 eyes of 12 healthy volunteers. All had corrected visual acuity of 1.2 or more. Their age averaged 22.5±2.5 years. Refraction and pupil size were measured by an autorefractor with both eyes open. Light and figure targets were placed 5m and 30cm in front of the eye. Results:There were significant differences in the amount of refraction while fixating on targets for near and far distances(p<0.05). There was no significant difference between light and figure targets. There was no difference in pupil diameter while fixating for far or near targets. Conclusion:Due attention is necessary while measuring the eye position using light as targets because of influence by accommodation.

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