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ソーシャル・サポートは,ストレスと健康レベルへの直接効果とストレスを緩和し健康レベルへ影響する緩衝効果があると提言されている1-9)。これは,ソーシャル・サポートのプラスの影響についての報告である。しかし,ソーシャル・サポートが単にこのようなプラスの影響のみでなく,マイナスの影響もあるのではないかと疑問視され,それも含めた研究が必要であると提唱されている10-15)。そこで,ソーシャル・サポートのマイナス面を測定するコンフリクトを1つのサブスケールとする質問紙Interpersonal RelationshipInventory(以下,IPRI)16-19)の日本語版(以下,JIPRI)の作成を試みた。
Studies of social support reported that social support has direct effects on stress and on health outcomes and has buffering effects on stress and on health outcomes. These were positive influences of social support; however, some researchers stated that studies of social support should include negative influences of social support on stress and on health outcomes.
The Interpersonal Relationship Inventory (IPRI), developed by Tilden and others, consists of three subscales (i.e., Support, Reciprocity, and Conflict). The Confict subscale measures the negative aspect of social support, and psychometric properties of the IPRI were reported as acceptable levels. Therefore, translation of the IPRI from English into Japanese (JIPRI) was processed. Social support requires interpersonal relationships, so that it is different from culture to culture. Translating the IPRI, testing psychometric properties of the WPM, and using the JIPRI should be done carefully.
This report described the following translation process: 1) plan, 2) permission to translate the IPRI, 3) selection of qualified translators, 4) translation, back translation, and evaluation of meaning errors, 5) consultation and revision, 6) a pretest, 7) consultation and revision, 8) a pilot study and revision, and 9) reliability and validity tests. The pretest indicated, on subscale levels, the Pearson productmoment correlation coefficients between the IPRI and the JIPRI were over 0.70. However, on item levels, sonic correlations between the IPHI and the JIPRI were not significant. Reliability, internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability with a two-week interval, was tested. Cronbach's alpha internal consistency reliability coefficient was 0.83 for Support, 0.74 for Reciprocity, and 0.79 for Conflict. Two-week test-retest stability reliability of Support was 0.88, of Reciprocity was 0.71, and of Conflict was 0.65. These results suggested that further work need to be done on this translation.

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