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我々「患者教育研究会」では,1994年9月から患者教育のための「看護実践モデル」の開発の試みを続けている。この過程のなかで,初期モデル(鳥居ら,1999;下村ら,2000)を適用し,多くの実践事例を検討していくうちに,患者が行動変容に至ったケースは,いずれも看護職者が患者の生活習慣や患者の価値観(患者が大切にしていること)に配慮し,それに基づいて療養生活を支援した時,行動変容していたことが明らかになった。この現象は初期モデルそれぞれの概念のなかに埋没し,表面には出てきていなかったため,新しい概念「生活者に関する知識・技術」として明文化した(河口,2001b)。そしてこの生活者に関する要素は,患者教育の実践において最も重要と考えられることから,モデルVersion 2(図1)ではB-1として独立させ,モデル図のB-2とB-3の間に位置させた(松田ら,2001)。
In the Patient Education Research Group, we have attempted to develop a “Nursing Practice Model” for patient education since 1994. Through analyzing and studying the practical cases, we have identified the concept of “knowledge and skills concerning the living individual”, and defined it as follows.
The living individual as perceived from the nursing viewpoint is a person who lives while possessing his/her own lifestyle and life principles cultivated through the individual life history of the person. Furthermore, living is defined as the very existence of a human being, and is the independent activities of each individual. There are various aspects of living, including 1) life, existence; 2) lifestyle, social activities, livelihood, standard of living; and 3) value, principles, way of living. Through interacting with the subject, nursing personnel perceives “the facts of the person's living as they are” and “what they mean to that person” from the relationship with health.
Evidence has been collected from case analyses showing that this nursing viewpoint to perceive the “living individual” is the “key” to understand the subject and modify behavior. Further evidence gathering and examination of educational method to nursing personnel will be continued in the future.
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