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「患者教育研究会」では,患者の行動変容に結びつくこととなった「とっかかり言動」に注目した患者教育方法の検討を行ない,その有効性および患者教育における「看護実践モデル」の開発について報告してきた(河口ら,1997;鳥居ら,1999;Oka et al.,1999;下村ら,2000;河口,2001)が,現モデルは患者教育のための「看護実践モデルVersion 2」(Version 1を図1,Version 2を図2に示す)となっている。また,多くの看護師による患者教育場面の事例分析から,患者・看護師間の援助関係のきっかけや働きかけの手がかりになった部分を,「看護実践モデル」における「とっかかり/手がかり言動とその直感的解釈」と命名した(図2)。本稿においては,「とっかかり/手がかり言動とその直感的解釈」の概念と実践モデルを構成する他の要素との関係および教育の可能性について述べる。
In this research group, we have examined a patient education method focusing on “cueing remarks/actions” that is closely associated with patient's behavioral modification. We have reported the effectiveness of this method and the development of the “Nursing Practice Model for Patient Education”. In this article, we describe the concept of “cueing remarks/actions and their intuitive interpretation”, its relation with other elements composing the practice model, and the educational potential. “cueing remarks/actions and their intuitive interpretation” are defined as instantaneous mental recognition and interpretation of “cueing remarks/actions” by the expert nurses. Intuitive interpretation is the result of characteristic and complex interaction of experience, professional skill and knowledge. In other words,t he expert nurses capture the verbal and nonverbal signs, signals and information within the context of the personality or the climate, and understand intuitively what action should be taken. These are influenced by the style of presence of the expert nurses and the effectiveness is expected to be improved by good relationship with patient.
Acquiring theory, knowledge and skills is effective to sensitively capture the “cueing remarks/actions”. Analysis of intuitive interpretation in the nursing setting shows that knowing the meanings of intuitional thinking and sharing them are effective to improve the intuitive power.
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