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副耳下腺由来の腫瘍は,辻本ら1)が記載したごとく,ごく稀なものであり,Johnsonら2)によれば耳下腺腫瘍のほぼ1%の頻度である。また,その組織型は悪性腫瘍が比較的多く,良性腫瘍では,やはりpleomorphic adenomaが多い。一方,Warthin腫瘍は諸家の報告3,4,5,6)をみると,耳下腺腫瘍の5〜10%程度に認められているが,副耳下腺のWarthin腫瘍に関しては,Perzikら7)の報告の46例中に1例をみるのみで,極めて稀である。
A rare case of Warthin's tumor arising in the accessory parotid gland in a 43-year-old female is reported. Accessory parotid tumors are very rare, comprising 1% of all primary parotid tumors. On the other hand, Warthin's tumor comprises about10% of parotid tumor. Although Warthin's tumor in the parotid gland is relatively common, there is only one report of Warthin's tumor arising in the accessory gland.
If a facial tumor located in the midst of the cheek.one should not neglect the possibility of accessory parotid tumor. In surgery a preauricular lazy-S incision should be essential in order to prevent damaging any branches of the facial nerve and producing a salivary fistula.

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