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Lack15)の報告によると,1937年から1975年までの38年間Surgical Pathology Department ofMemorial Sloan-Kcttering Cancer Ccnterに記録された60万例をこえる症例のうち,頭頸部領域にみられた傍神経節腫(paraganglioma, chemodectoma)は69例であり,その発生頻度は0.12%で非常に稀な腫瘍である。この69症例の発生部位はcarotid body 40例,vagal body 13例,jugulotympanum 9例であり,さらに鼻副鼻腔領域のものは3例で,鼻副鼻腔に発生する傍神経節腫はごくまれな腫瘍のようである。われわれが文献を渉猟し得た範囲において,1957年Harkins1)が報告して以来,今日まで鼻副鼻腔の傍神経節腫は18例の報告があるにすぎない(表1)。
A 37-year-old man with paraganglioma originated from the sphenoidal sinus, complaining of nasal obstruction, visual disturbance and restricted visual field, was presented.
Clinical examinations showed that the tumor involved the sphenoidal and ethmoidal sinus as well as nasal cavity. After radiation therapy, the surgical operation was done, and it was found that the tumor was extradural and originated from sphenoidal sinus.
Since the incidence of paraganglioma of the nasal and paranasal area is very rare, a bibliographic reviw was made and the histological results obtained by electron-microscopic examination were briefly discussed.

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