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Three cases of the stenotic nasolacrimal duct treated surgically with transmaxillary approach under an operating microscope were reported. The causes of the stenosis were cicatrization at the nasal orifice after sinus operation, dacryocystitis and dacryocyst mucocele respectively.
The surgical procedures were as follows: 1) Open the maxillary sinus from the canine fossa. 2) Removal of the medial bony wall of the sinus and exposure of the nasolacrimal duct. 3) Open the nasal orifice of the duct by incisionof the mucous membrane of the inferior nasal meatus. 4) Bouginage of the lacrimal duct through the stenotic portion. 5) Removal or blunt dilatation of the stenosis. 6) Insertion of a polyethylene tube of 2-3 mm diameter to the lacrimal sack. In our cases, the inserted tubes were retaind in their place for one month in one case and for over one year in two cases with good result.

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