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再発性多発性軟骨炎(Relapsing Polychondritis,以下RPと略す)は,全身の軟骨組織などのmucopolysaccharideを多く含む組織が選択的に障害される疾患である。1923年,Jacksh-Wartenhorst1)によって最初に報告されて以来,比較的稀な疾患とされてきたが,近年増加傾向にあり,注目に値するものである。筆者らは,RPと考えられる1症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
A case of relapsing polychondritis in a 36-year-old female was reported. Vertigo was the first symptom which was followed by stridor, deformity of the pinnae and saddle nose. Corticosteroid therapy was eflective to control the disease. Beside the case reported here, 20 cases previously reported in Japan and 159 cases reported by McAdam in 1976 were reviewed, and they were analyzed with respect to the etiological factors. It is generally accepted that loss of mucopolysaccharide and inflammation caused by the release of lysozomal enzyme may play an important role in this disease.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.