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Verrucous Carcinomaは1948年Ackerman1)によつて初めて記載され,本邦では湖崎ら2)はイボ状癌腫,石川3)は疣贅性癌,川勝4)は疣状癌腫と呼んでいる腫瘍で,本腫瘍は臨床的ならびに病理組織学的に比較的良性の扁平上皮癌であるとされている。本腫瘍に関する報告は,主として欧米においてなされ,本邦では口腔外科領域で報告が散見されるのみである。
われわれは最近,右側上顎歯肉部に発生し頬部皮膚に浸潤したverrucous carcinomaの1例を経験したので報告し,本腫瘍に関する文献的考察を行なつた。
A rare case of verrucous carcinoma arising from the upper gingiva in a Japanese patientwas reported.
The patient was a 70-year-old female with a chief complaint of mass in the gingiva. Significant findings were limited to the right upper gingiva. Clinically there was a wide verrucous lesion which appeared to be not carcinomatous, but biopsies on several different occasions were diagnosed as verrucous carcinoma. The patient was treated by irradiation and chemotherapy.Six months following the therapy, the patient showed local reccurence at the buccal mucosa from which biopsy was taken and indicated verrucous carcinoma. A total resection of the tumor area with the skin of the involved cheek was performed, and skin graft of the defect was done. One year postoperatively the patient was free of reccurence.
Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.