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最近の心臓外科,脳神経外科領域の手術テクニックや麻酔学の進歩により,長期間の気管内挿管による呼吸管理が行なわれるケースが増えつつある。その結果,気管カニューレ抜去困難症も増加の傾向がみられる。Topkin & Harrison1)によれば,経鼻および経口挿管症例の約4%に気管チューブを抜去できなくなるという合併症が出現し,約0.5〜1%は気管切開をはじめとする手術的治療が必要になるという。McClelland2)は気管切開後の気管カニューレ抜去困難症は3.6%,本多3)は3.3%の発生率があると報告している。
Montgomery's silicone T-tube was employed for the treatment of laryngeal stenosis among three patients. One patient was affected with thoracic stenosis while, the other two with tracheal stenosis. Decanulation among these patients were completely successful. The duration of the silicone tube insertion among the three patients was 12 days, 2 months and 9 months respectively. During this period the patients were able to breathe through the nose and carry on conversation without any hidrance whatsoever. Two patients were allowed to live at home. No obstruction in the breathing passage was seen in any of the patients. And moreover, there was no obstruction seen within the tubes when they were decanulated.
We believe that silicone T-tube is the first choice to be made in the treatment of laryngeal stenosis.

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