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鼻石症rhinolithiasisは稀な疾患とされているが,Mathias di Gardi1)の最初の症例報告を始めとして欧米では多数の報告があり,Polson2)の記載によれば当時ですでに500例をこえていたという。わが国においても,最近の臨床的統計的観察では,武藤ら3)の報告に引きつづき,犬山ら4)の102例の集計報告がなされている。
A woman, aged 62, complained of nasal obstruction with purulent, and sometimes, bloodstained discharge.
Anterior rhinoscopy revealed a blackish-brown mass blocking the left nasal cavity.
X-ray examination revealed a concretion occupying the left nasal cavity. The mass was removed in piecemeal under local anesthesia, which weighed 1.34 g.
The specimen was analysed by spark-source mass-spectrometry and found to be composed of 21 elements such as, phospherus, oxygen, calcium, sodium and magnesium.
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