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鼻結石は1602年Marthia de Grandiによつて,初めて記載されたものであるが,本邦では明治29年の西の報告を以て嚆矢とするようである1)。われわれは最近88歳という高齢者にみられた本疾患の1例を経験したので報告するとともに,西の報告より著者らの症例に至るまでの本邦102例についての統計的観察も行なつたのであわせて報告する。
A man, aged 88, complained of nasal obstruction and bleeding. Anterior rhinoscopy revealed a large brown mass, which bled easily even by touch with a cotton applicator. Malignant tumor of the right maxillary sinus was suspected.
X-ray examination with tomography revealed a calcified mass in the nasal cavity. Diagnosis of rhinolith was made. This calcified mass was removed in piecemeal which weighed 3.2 grams. Chemical analysis of this mass showed it to be composed of carbonates and phosphates.
A review of literature revealed 102 cases of rhinoliths reported for the past 77 years in this country. The female are more prone to such a formation and the predominant site appear to be in the inferior half of the nasal cavity; the contents are chiefly composed of carbonates and calcium phosphates; in about one half of the number nucleus was found.

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