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いわゆる巨細胞腫は16世紀にAmbroise pare1)が報告して以来,その発生機転,病理組織所見,それに伴う名称本態などについて,まだ判然としていない腫瘍の一つである。最近われわれも,側頭骨腫瘍の疑いで試験切除を試み,いわゆる巨細胞腫と診断された症例を経験し,その経過を観察する機会を得たので,その概要について述べ,二,三の文献的考察を加えて発表する。
A primary giant cell tumor was found in the left temporal bone of a man, aged 40. The patient had suffered persistent tinnitus and loss of hearing in the left ear for the recent 4 years and lagophthalmos for the period of 2years: he suddenly developed attacks of severe headaches with difficulty in walking.
The tumor was removed by surgical intervention which revealed the growth to be located in the left external auditory canal. The diagnosis was made by microscopic examination. The patient 3 years after the operation still suffers a slight tinnitus but no sign of the tumor recurrence is seen.

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