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聴神経腫瘍(acoustic tumor以下A. T. と略す)の統計的観察についでは,Cushing以来,Parker(1930)53例,List(1933)1751列,Nylén(1939)の95例,Nielsen(1942)130例,Olsenand Horrax(1944)421列,Dandy and Revilla(1947)145例,Edwards and Paterson(1951)157例,Olivecrona and Lundborg(1952)300例,Graf(1955)1001列,Tönnis(1956)234列,Pool and Pava(1957)135例,Erickson(1965)129例ら多数例による報告がなされている。今回,著者は手術および組織診によつて確認した聴神経腫瘍42例について集計的事項と自覚症状について統計的観察をおこない,文献的考察をこころみたのでここに報告する。
The authors made clinical observation and review of literature were made on acoustic neurinoma. Acoustic tumors were observed to be occurring more frequently in women than in man, mainly in the age group ranging from 30 to 60 year old.
The initial symptoms in 80% of cases pointed to the 8th nerve lesion as a hearing loss, tinnitus and/or vertigo.
The symptoms frequently noted were hearing loss, tinnitus, balance disturbance, headache and vertigo, which were found in the majority of patients. In this sense, the emphasis is placed on a careful history taking. Often, the diagnosis of 8 th nerve neurinoma may be made, in presence of a large tumor, from a well taken history alone.

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