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外耳道に開放されたMastoid手術腔に起つてくる表皮化の障害は,手術によつて起こされる疾患であるから一種の医原性疾患iatrogenic dis-easeと見なさるべきものであろう。この障害は中耳手術が始められた当時から同時に存在していたはずであるが耳科学では取りあげて論ぜられなかつた。その理由は,この障害が手術の結果の暗い部分であるためであろうか。あるいはこの現象の存在している場合には慢性中耳炎(鼓室炎)そのものも治つていないことが多いために,この方の意義はとくに重く見られなかつたためであろうか。従来はそれでも済まされてきたが,最近のようにtympanoplastyが普通の中耳手術となつてきた現在では,Mastoid術腔に分泌を産出するような障害が存在することは,手術の成績に大きく影響してくるから,その意義は極めて大きくなつてきた。
The epidermization difficulty of postopera-tive mastoid wound, the author believes, may be divided into 2 types of pathological entity as causative factors: 1) Due to dermatitis, 2) Due to absorption of the transplanted skin-flap by forces of regenerating mastoid cells beneath.
The author shows the dermatitis to be that of erosive and desquamatous types. The for-mer might be caused by bacterial or mycotic infection while, the latter seemed to be the product of incomplete cholesteatoma forma-tion and occurred in cases where deep lying cavity was covered by a skin-flap.
These problems of postoperative complica-tions are seemed unavoidable in disposal of cases of well-developed mastoid structures. For treatment of these conditions, the author recommends reconstruction of the mastoid cavity for its preservation by using pedicle temporal muscle and periostium flap to form the posterior wall of the external auditory meatus.
The author emphasizes that, in case the mastoid cavity is opened during the process of performing tympanoplasty for treatment of chronic otitis media, the mastoid cavity should also be reconstructed. However, in treatment of chronic otitis media of mucositis type, the mastoid cavity is not routinely opened.

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