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手術の既往がなく乳突洞に嚢胞が発生するpri—mary mastoid cystは比較的稀な疾患とされ,成因としては慢性炎症,外傷,先天異常などが考えられている。症状はさまざまであるが,特徴的な臨床像に乏しく,巨大な嚢胞を形成するまで症状が出現せず,X線撮影により発見される1)ことも多く,また多くの報告では乳突蜂巣の骨破壊を伴うX線透過像が認められている。
A 50-year-old man suffered from progressive left hearing loss and tinnitus for the past ten years. The tympanic membrane showed a mild retraction in the pars flaccida and the malleus was extremely immobile. An audiogram showed a severe com-bined hearing loss with a moderate increase of a bone conduction. Computed tomography revealed a isodensity mass in the mastoid and suggested that the malleus head and incus body were con-nected with the scutum.
He underwent exploratory mastoidectomy. The mass in the mastoid was a cholesterol cyst with osseous obstruction of the aditus and bony fixation of the malleus head and incus body to the lateral wall of the epitympanum was present. Posterior tympanotomy was done and bony fixation was removed. Post-operatively, the hearing was im-proved and tinnitus ceased.

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