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The relation between poliomeylitis and tonsillitis is studied with the material obtai-ned from the epidemic of the former disease numbering 1,650 cases that occurred in Hok-kaido in 1960. The study consisted of review of clinical cases including 10 cases of post-mortem examination as well as tonsillitis tissue examination.
Tonsillitis and pharyngitis were present in at least in 50% of cases of early poliomey-litis; loss of hearing in 3 cases; facial paraly-sis in 2 cases; soft palate paralysis in 2 cases. Of course a carefully considerations should be given to the relation of these sym-ptoms to some other diseases.
In histological examination tonsil tissues invariably showed congestion, hemorrhage, vascular thrombosis, numerous lacunal-inhalts without bacterial infections, tissue necosis of a small area and round cell infiltrations. In 2 cases changes in nerve fiber were recognized.
Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.