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聴覚失認とは聴覚路を通じての対象の認知障害であり,一種の大脳病巣症状である。この様な患者では末梢聴力には障害がないにかかわらず,人のことばは勿論,日常の社会音すら正しく認知出来ない。大橋2)はこれを精神聾,失音楽,純粋語聾に分けLemoyne & Mahoudeau4)は①皮質性難聴を伴なわぬ聴覚失認,②皮質性難聴を伴なう聴覚失認,③内言語障害を伴なう聴覚失認,④内言語障害のない純粋な聴覚失認に分けている。
A case of auditory agnosia caused by cerebral hemorrhage in a man, aged 57, is reported. No abnormality was found in the patient's intellect, peripheral hearing, inner language, word-reading, word-writing of ability of copying; but, failed to comprehend a spoken language (pure word-deafness) as well as numbers. He also failed to recognize noises and musical tones. This condition has a semblence to Munk's psychic deafness. The patient's personality and the quality of his voice showed changes since the onset of the disease.

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