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Bellergal(B. L. G.)はベラホリン,酒石酸エルゴタミン及びフェノバルビタールの3種成分からなり,その相乗作用によつて全自律神経系統に対する広範囲な整調を目的とした薬剤である。本剤をメニエル氏症候群に使用した例は既に1957年Perminによつて報告されているが,具体的な記載は見当らない。今回我々はメニエル氏症候群20例についてB. L. G.を使用し,その臨床観察を行つたので報告する。尚,症例の大半は東北大学耳鼻咽喉科に入院のうえ治療を行つた患者である。
The efficacy of bellergal was tested in treatment of 20 cases of Meniere's syndrome. These cases were divided into 4 groups etiologically and their clinical progress were noted. The groups were as follow :
Group A. Psychogenetic factor seeming to be the basis of the attack. (6cases)
Group B. Abnormality in the cervical spine causing a focal disturbances of autonomic nervous functions. (4 cases)
Group C. Vascular disturbances. (5 cases)
Group D. Other cases in whom the use of bellergal appeared to be ineffective. (5 cases)
The use of bellergal appeared to be sufficiently effective in Group A : somewhat supplementary in Group B. Vestibular functional tests in these cases showed some improvement.
In Group C the agent failed to allay the symptoms of acute attack but seemed to be effective in relieving interval symptoms such as shoulder pain and chilling of hands and feet. No effect was shown in Group D.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.