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TANAKA notes his observations on sympto-ms of Menierre's syndrome found in patients who were hosts to infestation of ancylostoma as follows: 1) Of the two patients observed both showed classical symptoms of Menierre's syndrome wi-th hearing impairement and vertigo besides the inherent anemia. After effective deworming was established the hearing improved with re-covery from vertigo though anemia was not completelly overcome.
2) In one case the condition found may be considered as that of an allergy because of the decrease in the amount of calcium in the blood and spinal fluid, defficient state of vitamin B1 and eosinophilia. But, due to presence of vago-tony in the picture it might be termed as an atypical form rather than a true allergy.
3) Menierre's syndromes that may be mani-fested concurrently with infestations of intesti-nal parasite may be considered as an affection closely related to allergy the result of toxic products emanated by the parasites acting as allergens. Consequently the author maintains that vertigo is the result of labyrinthine edema as proposed by Wittmack, the end result of allergic manifestation.

Copyright © 1955, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.