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扁桃をfocusとする病巣感染症として腎炎,ロイマチ性疾患,慢性微熱,結節性紅斑,特発性腎出血をえらぶと共に溶レン菌感染症として猩紅熱,丹毒等を対照としてAntistreptolysin-O(ASL-O)価の測定及びC-reactive Protein(CRP)testを行い,臨床所見とこれら検査成績との関係並びにその推移を比較検討した。
The relative amounts of antistreptolysin-O titer and C-reactive protein were measured in diseases that were caused by acute tonsillitis as focus of infection, on one hand, and by chronic tonsillitis on the other, for comparison. Bacterial cultures were obtained from both of these tonsillar conditions. The incidence of finding hemolytic streptococci in the acute condition proved to be much higher than that of the chronic. The amount of antistreptolysin-O titer appeared to be increased in acute nephritis, rheumatic fever, chronic low-grade fever and scarletina. The measurement of C-reactive protein proved to be a better indicator for disease activity than that might be shown by blood sedimentation.

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