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Ⅰ.緒論 恩師笹木教授並に第2外科友田教授の御指示により,第2外科特研生松元氏と共に,比較的多数の食道静脈瘤患者を直達鏡下に観察する機会を得ましたので,その大要を御報告致します。
Takeda finds that, by means of esophagoscopic examinations, 21 cases were affected with eso-phageal varices out of the 31patients who were known to be suffering from either Banti's dis-ease or liver cirrhosis. Presence of esophageal varix per se do not provoke significant symp-toms. Combined with this fact was the timidity on the part of the examiner in making a thor-ough examination of esophagus in face of such conditions as varices for fear of further com-plications that may be elicited thereby, the opportunity for the necessary observation of esophagus therein was relatively rare even for those who consider themselves as to be specia-lists in the field. The author emphasizes the fact that with carefully conducted esophagus-copy a fear for untoward complications that might be evoked by the procedure persse is wholly unwarranted and even, in face of he-matemisis it should be performed in order to accertain the source of hemorrhage.

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