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Yonemura reports a case of laryngeal cancer that appeared to be established by irritants that were continually introduced in the throat. The patient was a copper-smith who complained of laryngeal irritation for the period of one year. Repeated examinations during this period revealed nothing more than conditions typical of unspecific inflammations. Finally, however, malignant changes were recognized. In order to verify the source of laryngeal irritants, the authorundertook to examine the sputa of per-sons similarly occupied in comparison to that of normal persons who were not. Metallic dusts in considerable amounts were invariably reco-gnized in the sputa of copper-smiths where as, that of normal persons were free. The author concludes that inhalation of metallic dust by force of occupation in this way for a prolonged period may have influenced the onset of malig-nant changes.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.