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即ち,側頭蜂窠と副鼻腔の形成機転並びに発達の個人差成立を同一視するものを挙げれば,Wittmaackは側頭蜂窠は粘膜が骨髄組織を圧排して形成拡大してゆき,発達の個人差は胎生期及び生後の炎症,所謂latente Sauglingsotitisにより影響されて生ずると説いた。而して彼は,此説を副鼻腔にも適用されると推定したが,v. Gilseも亦,蝶形洞の組織学的研究により,副鼻腔及び側頭蜂窠Pnは炎症により抑制されると推定した。
DOTA and Terayama maintain that there are points that do strongly differ in the process of pneumatization of the two structures namely, the air cells of the temporol bone and the air cavity of paranasal sinus, as follows: (1) Developmentally, they are derived from mesodermic tisses, but, the former is essentially the outcome of metamorphosis of the spongy substance of the flat bone in part while, the latter is not only unrelated to this spongy substance but, the process of growth is totally different.
(2) The cavity wall in the former is composed of bony lamellae but, in the latter of compact bone.
(3) Mesodermic producioc of round cells in the two differ from each other by cause and effect.
(4) In the growth of the two there is a common inherited force of element that effects them alike but, the result produced by this force is different.
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