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YOSHIDA states that radiotherapy, as a routine measure following laryngectomy for cancer, should not be given to all patients alike. In analysis of therapeutic results on 138 laryngectomized patients, 82 of whom given post-operative radiotherapy and 56 of whom as not, radiotherapy in effecting prevertion of rec-urrence of cancer seems to be only 20 percent positive. Recurrences are met with the most often in patients who were affected with ca-ncers that are considered as external, inter-nal or mixed types. No recurrences are noted with in cancers occurring in lower situation while, in that of higher, this rate lies somewhere between teose two extremes. Therefore, cancers of lower situation radio-therapy following surgical intervention) is unca-lled for; for those that occur as external, internal or mixed types radiotherapy is an absolute requisite; and, those t at may be considered as upper situation require radio-therapy according to the degree in which the growth is found to be malignant.
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