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気管,気管支の良性腫瘍は一般に尠いものであるが,更に稀なものとして一見腫瘍の如く見えて組織学的には真性腫瘍ではなく,上皮の非特殊性増殖に過ぎぬものがある。現在その名称,成因について尚確定していないが,Jackson & Zackson1はこれを気管支のInflammatory tumorlike hyperplasiaと呼んでいる。この腫瘍は組織学的には良性であつても気管支閉塞による肺内合併症のため死亡例もあり(Wessler & Rabin)2臨床的には悪性と云つてもよく,更にかゝる腫瘍が悪性化する可能性もあるといわれている。気管支鏡検査の発達した今日ですら尚且つ稀なものであつて,本邦文献にも殆どその例を見ないので症例る報告し,文献的に考察してみたい。
YAMAMURO succeeds in making a bronchoscopic removal of the so-called inflammatory tumor-like hyperplasia, which was described by Jackson and Jackson, that measured 2.6x1.5x0.8cm in size. The mass was attached to the anterior wall of the left superior lobe bronchus at its orifice with a peduncle thereby causing almost a complete occlusion of that structure. Microscopically, it proved to be composed of simple squamous epithelial cells that had undergone hypertrophy of an unusual character with no relation whatever to formation of inflammatory granulation tissues. The symptoms of which the patient suffered before the operation were that of cough, production of sputi which were blood tinged at times and occassional pyrexia were completely relieved by the operation and with 2 years of observation, at present, there is no sign of recurrence.

Copyright © 1954, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.