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Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor which Developed after Chemotherapy and Auto-peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Report of a Case Keisuke Kawasaki 1 , Hiroyuki Kobayashi 1,2 , Koichi Kurahara 1 , Yumi Oshiro 3 , Shuro Yoshino 1 , Hideki Ishibashi 1 , Kenshi Sunahara 1 , Yoshiaki Aomi 1 , Yuji Sakai 1 , Takashi Yao 4 , Tadahiko Fuchigami 1 1Division of Gastroenterology, Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital, Matsuyama, Japan 2Division of Gastroenterology, Fukuoka Sanno Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan 3Department of Pathology, Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital, Matsuyama, Japan 4Department of Human Pathology, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo Keyword: 炎症性筋線維芽細胞性腫瘍 , inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor , 急性骨髄性白血病 , 化学療法 pp.1157-1167
Published Date 2012/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403113531
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 A 64-year-old male was admitted to our institution with the complaint of anemia and positive fecal occult blood. He had undergone chemotherapy and auto-peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia from March to October, 2006. Barium enema study revealed a semipedunculated polypoid lesion, measuring 30mm in size, on the ileo-cecal valve. Colonoscopy disclosed a lesion mass, reddish in color, whose surface was irregular and nodular. Ulcer scars were also seen in the surrounding mucosa. Because endoscopy had not revealed any abnormality one year and ten months previously, and the lesion seemed to have enlarged rapidly, ileo-cecal resection was performed. Histological examination of the resected specimen showed proliferation of spindle-shaped cells with infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Inclusing immunohistochemical study, the mass was diagnosed as an inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor(IMT). Further clinical studies are warranted to clarify the nature of IMT.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


