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Hyo and associates investigate the effect of operative procedure on the general circula-tion by makinga special notes on pulse counts, blood pressure readings and recording the amount of blood loss. No specific effect is produced by the types of operations performed but similar effects are noted at a certain level in the amount of blood loss incurred. Immedi-ately after the start of the operation the pulse rate and blood pressure begin to take a rise. This rise in blood pressure is maintained at the same level if the amount of blood loss be less than 300cc: above 500cc the pressure begins to descend to approach that which might be present preoperatively; at 1,000cc the pressure begins to be decreased with rapi-didty. If the operation should be continued be-yond 30 minutes after the time when the blood pressure reading had approach to that reading recorded preoperatively the incurred blood loss must be compensated by equal volume of, either, blood or liquids by intravenous route. The pulse count will increase with the increase in the amount of blood loss, but, it is no means an indication in the amount of that loss.

Copyright © 1954, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.