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本症は比較的いな極めて稀な疾患で長い間に顏面神經麻痺の患者を多數取り扱つて來既に昭和6年にわが物療科の取扱つた患者に就ても曾て福田(岡山醫學誌43年6號昭6年)が教室の100例の統計をとつたことがあるが耳性帶状疱疹による顔面神經麻痺症は1例もなかつた。實は私も本症について全く無智識であり,又普通の成書やOppen heim,Knoll,Bumke等の神經書,三浦謹之助先生の専門書を繙いても明確にふれていない。偶偶私は去る8月來本症にかゝり自分乍ら種々判斷に迷い且つ種々の訴えを嘗めたので,茲に自家體驗談をかねて本症に對する考察を行つてみた。
Report of this disease is not so many even in Japan. So I have described my own case, in which facial paralysis occurd abruptly without prodromal syndrom, and after 3 days fever (38, 7℃) with slight chilling, but this increase of temperature has diminished gradually within 6 days. During this fever period set out vertigo, tinnitus, nystagmus and loss of equilibrium. Moreover hyperalgesia of head hairs.During this course 1 did not recognise neither neuralgic pain nor herpes of auricule, but felt slight itching in external auricular canal., in which was found crusts of herpes zoster. As a treatment was used aureomycin with kalium jodatum from 8th day, therefore I can not say about their effect. As etiology of this disease I supposrt a viroul theory.

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