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Aprosexia nasalis或はAprosexia auricularisという語は現在殆ど全ゆる成書に記載されているが,Guyeによつて提唱されて以来60年を経た今日,それに関する研究の幅と深さはなお,充分とは言えない.日常の臨牀に於て耳鼻咽喉疾患を有する患者が神経性障害を訴える例は尠くないのであるが,その病識の強弱と雑多なる表現とによつて主訴と臨牀的所見とは必ずしも一致しないことがある.茲に,その間の事情を客観的に捕えようと企図し,種々の性能及び智能検査を実施することに依つて,臨牀的観察と検査成績とを比較検討してみた次第である.
KAMIOKA conducted various mental tests, me-mory and efficiency, among adults and number of sch-ool children in order to study the affects aprosexia on mental ability.
(1) With efficiency tests highest grades were made by persons of normal health and the atta- inment lowered with the affected in such an order that nasal diseases had stronger effects than the pharyngeal.
(2) Inefficiency was markedly shown with indivi- duals who had nervous complaints such as ful lness of head and chronic headaches.
(3) Presence of impaired nasal breathing appeared to cause a drawback and strain on mental abi- lity but when surgical corrections were effe- cted such strains were removed.
(4) Among children of primary grades who were affected with diseases of the ear, nose and throat there was a tendency towards poorer grade of work as compared to those who were normal in health.

Copyright © 1952, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.