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HARADA reports a case of epithelioma which occurred in the external aural canal of a patient, a woman agea 62, who revealed a history of havixig suffered the affectioe of chronic, suppura live otitis media since her chiladhood and whose two brothers died of gastric carcinoma. The examination of the ear showed a tumor, which began to make its appearance 7 years previously as a small growth, deeply situated in the external canal; microscopic examinatioh proved the growth to be an epithelioma. The operation revealed the malignancy arising from the posterior wall of the external canal to be invading and occupying the entire middle ear cavity. In postoperative course the patient showed somewhat of an improvement with use of penicillin, radium irradiation and intravenous fluids but, soon, she developed symptoms of recurrence of mallgnancy with facial palsy and continuous malodorous ear discharges and, died. about 2 months following the surgical intervention.

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