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鼻前庭嚢腫の報告は1893年Znckerkandlが"Normale u. Pathotogische Anatomie der Nasenhöhle"に於てCysten in der Nasenschleimhautの章に下鼻道前端に孤立性胡桃大,蜂蜜樣液体を持つた嚢腫を見たと記載したのが嚆矢とせられ,本邦紀於ては1920年久保猪之吉教授により初めて報告せられてから40数例を数える.而して本邦文献に記された該嚢腫の統計的観察として1935年加藤の報告があるが私は更に1935年迄の統計的観察を行い,併せて自驗例を報告する.
Umemura removes a cyst from the right nasal vestibule of a man aged 36 who was afflicted with the growth for the period of 10 years. The size of the cyst was as large as a pigion's egg. Microscopically the inner wall was lined with ciliated columnar epithelium and the connective tissues beneath it were infiltrated with round cells.
Comparative study of 39 cases of nasal vestibular cysts that have been report in the literature of this country since 1920 to 1945 are made; the etiology and differential diagnosis of the disease are disaussed.

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