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迷路が温度性剌戟に対して極めて敏感に反應すると言う古くから知られた事実に一学の法則を見出し,迷路機能檢査法としての温度性眼震に理論的の根拠を與えたのはBárányの業蹟である.即ちBárány(1906)1)は人間に於て各種の頭位に於ける温度性眼震を觀察して,其の眼震の方同は頭位に依つて変化するが,其れは常に一つの規則に從う事を所謂淋巴流動説を以て説明した.更に久保(1906)2)は此の規則性を動物実験に於て立証し,其の後も頭位と温度性眼震との関係に就いては,A. de kleyn und W. Storm vam Leeuen(1922)3),小出(昭6)4)等諸氏の報告がある.
Miyoshi says in rabbits caloric nystagmus that had completely ceased to react can be re-elcited if the position of head of the animal is altered immediately after such cessation Direction of this reactivated nystagmus will be in the original one and the degree of reactivation is directly proportional to postural alteration of the head read relative to the previous position. This nystagmus is the sum product of total stimulations that is by caloric on one hand and by postural change on the other, the both of which acting upon vestibular apparatus and it may be regarded as a particular variety with own characteristics―caloric-postural nystagmus. The author states that further study along this line of investigations may be promi sing for other developments.

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