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Kono reports a case of cerebral meninitis of otitic origin, the pathology of which is found in concurrent existence with latent epidemic cere-bro-spinal meningitis. A boy 13 years of age developed symptoms which were diagnosed as cerebral meningi tis presumably caused from his chronic cholesteatomatous otitis media which he had harbored and suffered for a considrable period of time. Laboratory examination of the spinal fluid revealed and established the present staus as that of epidemic cerebrospinal mening-itis. While the patient was being treated for the latter disease symptoms pointing to throm-bosis of sigmoid sinus were manifested. Thro-mbosis og the sigmoid sinus as well as abcess in suructures about it and on the adjoining dura were found at the time of the operation.
Adequate drainage of the sigmoid sinus was established; penicillin treatments given; and, spinal laminectomies of lumbar vertebrae were performed, but, despite all efforts the treatme-nts proved inegective towards remission of the disease and the patient died.

Copyright © 1949, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.